Asian Style Lamb Ribs

So I tried something new. Like reeeeeally new.

As you know, I’m not a biggest meat eater or cook. But when Capra Foods offered me some of their lamb ribs, I figured… what the heck.  One of my favorite dishes made by my mom is her ribs. Mom’s ribs are the best, and they will probably always be the best. But I decide to give them a try.

My favorite thing to cook is something I have never cooked before. However, I usually stick to a realm that I am pretty familiar with.  However, I have NEVER made ribs before, NEVER made lamb before, and definitely never made lamb ribs.

I spent a lot of time on google, read forum after forum, and was confused a lot of the time. It was quite comical and quite the experience.

Asian Style Lamb Ribs | thefreshfind.com

I swear, I spent about 3 hours Sunday morning just reading on how to cook ribs.

I didn’t find much on specifically lamb ribs, but I read about a zillion ways to make pork ribs. Most techniques involved long hours in the oven. When you live in Texas in the summer, the last thing you want to do is turn your oven on for hours. No thank you. Then again, my black car is basically an oven, so I thought about sticking the lamb rack in there for a few hours. Haha, just kidding. But actually, that might work.

Anyway, despite my research, I decided to go with Mom’s rib technique– simmer for an hour, add sauce, then throw on the grill for a few minutes.

By the way, there are a few online forums that say it is basically a sin to boil ribs. However, there were a few sane people that said it was totally fine. My mom has done this for years, and I want to cry of happiness every time I eat her ribs, so I figured it would all turn out fine. And… they did!

Prepping the ribs

The ribs turned out fantastic, but not without a bit of confusion and work. I got ready to prep the ribs and realized there was a lot I didn’t know. A membrane? Fat trimming? Maybe a shoulder bone to remove?  I googled all sorts of questions (and had to wash my lamb-hands about 10 times), and finally decided that I would trim the fat, and trusted that everything would just turn out fine. And yet again, it did!

Once the ribs were ready (in my unexperienced opinion), I put them in the boiling water.  I read to drop the cold meat into boiling water, versus letting the water come to a boil with the meat in the pot. Supposedly, this helps retains the flavor.

The sauce

My mom uses the classic Yoshida sauce for her ribs, but since I didn’t have Yoshida sauce on hand, I decided to make my own. Food.com gave me a good guideline, but I cut out a significant amount of sugar mentioned in the recipe.  With soy sauce, brown sugar, white sugar, garlic, ginger and green onions, you can do some magic.

Once the ribs were done simmering, I slathered on the sauce. I finished up some of the side dishes, and once we were just about ready to eat, I threw them on the grill for a few a minutes per side.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I bit into them, but when I did, they were sooooo good! I will definitely be making these again, and hopefully with a little less confusion!

Asian Style Lamb Ribs | thefreshfind.com

About Capra Foods:

Capra Foods is locally based in Goldthwaite, Texas. They supply 100 percent pastured lamb and are dedicated to never using antibiotics, added growth hormones or animal byproducts. You can find their lamb at Whole Foods Market!

Disclosure: Capra Foods provided the lamb ribs to create this recipe, however, all opinions are my own.

Asian Style Lamb Ribs

Prep Time20 mins
Cook Time1 hr 40 mins
Total Time2 hrs
Author: The Fresh Find


  • 1 rack of lamb ribs
  • 1 cup soy sauce use tamari for gluten-free
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/3 cup chopped green onions
  • 4 slices ginger
  • 2 garlic cloves


  • Trim the fat on the lamb ribs.
  • Bring a large pot of water to a boil, then drop in the ribs.
  • Let the ribs simmer for about 90 minutes.
  • While ribs are simmering, place soy sauce, sugar, green onions, ginger and garlic in a small sauce pan. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. Sauce will thicken.
  • When ribs are done simmering, take out and brush with the asian style sauce.
  • Grill for about 4-5 minutes per side, and serve with green onions!
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