Superfood Spotlight: Yogurt

Greek Yogurt

I originally started this blog as a health blog, and my goal was to post healthy information along with healthy recipes.  When I realized how long some posts can take, I started getting lazy and my blog has evolved into a recipe book for me.  I know blogs tend to evolve, but I really want to veer back to the core of my passion, health and nutrition.  I still want to continue cooking and talking about food, but I hope to add more nutritional value to my posts.

Superfoods‘ have become a common term in the health realm.  In my attempt to redirect towards nutrition and healthy eating, my goal is to start a weekly Superfood Spotlight.  I will delve into a superfood, it’s benefits, and a possibly a good recipe to try.  There, I said it.  It is written down for everyone to read.  And I hope this will keep me accountable!

What are Superfoods?

These foods are rated by nutritionists as the most powerful foods.  They are foods full of nutrients and vitamins that benefit our bodies in multiple ways.  By eating these foods, you will receive more nutrition with a smaller amount of food.

By incorporating these foods into your diet, you will receive many more nutrients, vitamins and minerals to make your body healthier.  Once adapting to a healthier diet, you can really tell the difference.  Once I started eating more natural foods and a well-balanced diet, my skin was clearer, my nails were sturdier, and I had much, much more energy.

Some superfoods are salmon, walnuts, blueberries, spinach, quinoa, beans, and the list continues to grow.  The first superfood I am diving into is… YOGURT!

  • Calcium:  Lowfat and nonfat Greek and regular yogurts contain 20% or more of your daily calcium needs. The mineral slows production of cortisol, a hormone that contributes to belly fat.
  • Probiotics: Yogurt is a probiotic which is essentially healthy bacteria that helps with your digestive system.  It can help your immune system, prevent bloating and constipation, and even decrease yeast infections.

Caution:  Beware of some yogurts.  Some contain up to 35g of sugar!!!  To give you an idea, one regular sized Snicker’s bar has 30g of sugar, and a 12oz Coke has 39g.  As many people think of yogurt has a healthy snack, if you pick the wrong kind, it can be pretty unhealthy. Also, watch out for the fruit-on-the-bottom yogurts, those pack a lot of sugar.

Almost every day, I eat plain Fage 0% Greek yogurt and add a little bit of jelly.  There are a whopping 18g of protein in one serving.  That is more protein than some protein bars even contain!  Plus, with yogurt, you are foregoing all the hydrogenated oil and high amounts of sugar in the bars.  Fage yogurt has ZERO grams of added sugar, and the 7grams of sugar that it contains, is natural lactose sugar.

Yogurt is great as breakfast, a snack, a post-work out snack, and in cooking, as it can replace sour cream/creams.  Fage can be a little thick for first time greek yogurt-ers, but some of my other favorites are Chobani and Oikos!
I have also made my own Greek yogurt, find out how to do so here!Homemade Greek Yogurt
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