Quinoa with goat cheese, onions, veggies and vinegar

The other night, my friend came over and we made her quinoa recipe and it was SO DELICIOUS.  It didn’t take too long and it tasted like gourmet.
After the quinoa was prepared, she put in goat cheese (which made this thing god-sent), lemon juice, vinegar, and who knows what else she threw in :) We chopped up green onions, peppers, vegetables and tossed them in as well.  She added some seasoning, salt and pepper, and voila!  It was done… and amazing!  Who knew goat cheese and lots of vinegar would be so great with quinoa?
Quinoa is extremely beneficial for your health because it is…
  • A great source of protein
  • Low in cholesterol
  • Rich in fiber
  • Contains many vitamins and minerals
  • and more!
Quinoa goat cheese
mixing in tomatoes, onions, spinach, peppers
Quinoa goat cheese
the final product!
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