{VOTE NOW!} Burrata Hazelnut and Pesto Pizza

Thank you so incredibly much for those of you who repinned last week’s Green Chile Salsa Chicken Tacos.

It’s the second week of the H-E-B Challenge and this week’s feature ingredient is Hunt’s Diced Tomatoes.  With these tomatoes, I have brought you one of my favorite things to make… PIZZA!

Burrata Hazelnut Pesto Pizza | www.thefreshfind.com

Click here and repin this pin to vote for The Fresh Find in the Meal Maker Challenge!

*The votes are counted on this H-E-B Pinterest account, so make sure you re-pin that exact picture!

What?  Pizza that takes under 30 minutes?  Unfortunately, I did not get to make my own dough because it would take too long, but H-E-B has these delicious whole wheat ready-made thin pizza crust.  The crust is ultra thin, making it a lighter pizza.  And I love that it is whole wheat!

Burrata Hazelnut Pesto Pizza | www.thefreshfind.com

I had my friends over and we had a pizza making party.  It was so much fun!  I provided the crusts and basics and everyone brought toppings of their choice.

Burrata Hazelnut Pesto Pizza | www.thefreshfind.com

For my pizza, I chose pesto, arugula, burrata cheese, Hunt’s tomatoes, toasted hazelnuts and reduced balsamic vinegar.  This was easily the best pizza I’ve ever made, oh my goodness.  I couldn’t get over it.  Why was this pizza so good?

Well #1.  Burrata Cheese.  Have you ever had burrata cheese before?  Burrata is similar to mozzarella cheese, but 1 million times better.  The outside is a layer of mozzarella and on the inside is a mixture of mozarella and cream.  If you haven’t tried it before, put it on your grocery list.  My cheese-loving girlfriends couldn’t get enough of it.

#2. Toasted hazelnuts.  I bought raw hazelnuts and tossed them in the oven for just ten minutes.  Not only do they make your kitchen small like heaven, but they add an earthy, roasty, and nutty crunch to the pizza.

Burrata Hazelnut Pesto Pizza | www.thefreshfind.com

Those were the two keys to this pizza.  Mix them with Hunt’s tomatoes, arugula and pesto?  Done and done.  I definitely recommend throwing on some Alessi reduced balsamic too!

To help me in this challenge, I would really appreciate another vote!  The votes are taken by the number of repins of this picture.  Be sure to register at heb.com/meals and then re-pin your favorite Hunt’s Tomato recipe from all the bloggers.

Thank you again for all your support!

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Burrata Hazelnut Pesto Pizza | www.thefreshfind.com

Burrata, Hazelnut and Pesto Pizza

by Kristin Hong

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Serves: 4 people (2 large pizzas)


Ingredients (6 slices)

  • 2 HEB Whole Wheat Thin Pizza Crusts
  • 1 jar (10 oz) Central Market Pesto
  • 8 oz. Burrata cheese
  • 3 cups fresh arugula
  • 16 oz. Hunt’s Diced Tomatoes- Roasted Garlic
  • ½ cup hazelnuts


Turn oven on to 400 degrees.

Place hazelnuts in a small roasting cake pan. Spray lightly with olive oil and toast for 7-10 minutes, until browned and fragrant.

While hazelnuts are toasting, lay pizza crusts on a baking sheet.

Spoon pesto and top with Hunt’s tomatoes.

Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 8 minutes, until crust is slightly brown.

Top with arugula, burrata cheese and roasted hazelnuts.

Drizzle extra pesto and balsamic reduction along pizza.

Return pizza to oven for 2-3 more minutes, for cheese to heat and melt.

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Note: I have received compensation, H-E-B promotional items and ConAgra products from H-E-B and ConAgra Foods for participating in this contest.
(Visited 529 times, 2 visits today)

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  • Reply
    August 14, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    Definitely trying this! Looks so yummy! You are amazing!!

  • Reply
    August 23, 2013 at 11:28 am

    I have never tried toasted hazelnuts on pizzas before, but that sounds like a great idea b/c it provides a bit of toasted texture.

    • Reply
      August 23, 2013 at 1:12 pm

      Yes, this was one of my favorite parts to it!

  • Reply
    Why Go Whole Grain? | The Fresh Find
    October 16, 2013 at 5:53 pm

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