H-E-B Meal Maker Challenge 2013

A few weeks ago, I told y’all that some exciting news is coming up and now I can officially share!

H-E-B and ConAgra Foods reached out to me and nine other bloggers to participate in the 2013 Meal Maker Challenge! 

For those of you non-Texans, H-E-B is a grocery store that totally dominates Texas.  I swear, I feel like there is an H-E-B at almost every freeway exit.  I am very excited to be working with such a prominent brand!

 Each blogger received five ‘feature’ ingredients to make five different recipes with.  Each recipe can have no more than 7 ingredients and take no more than 30 minutes.

HEB Recipe Challenge vignette

Yes, each of the meals you see above can be prepped in under 30 minutes and require 7 or fewer ingredients.  They are each so easy, quick and simple to make.

Some of my friends got to try out the recipes, and they are tried-and-true delicious!  The ingredients/meals are:

  1. H-E-B Salsa- Green Chile Salsa Chicken Tacos
  2. Hunt’s Diced Tomatoes- Burrata and Hazelnut Pesto Pizza
  3. H-E-B All Natural Chicken Breasts- Caprese Stuffed Chicken
  4. Egg Beaters- Mini Quiches with Egg Beaters
  5. Peter Pan Peanut Butter- Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Pancakes

Starting next week, I will present the recipes (one a week) and then YOU will have the chance to help me by voting for my recipes and pinning my recipes.  With each recipe, I will include the voting portal link and you can vote for your favorite!  (cough cough)  By the end of the challenge, the blogger with the most votes, pins and re-pins, wins some ca$$$$$h :)

HEB_MMC_Logo2If you check out the other bloggers participating, you will see that I’ve got quite the competition.  It’s very exciting to have The Fresh Find up in the challenge with these incredible blogs.

Regardless of who wins, between the ten bloggers, you will come away with great ideas for easy school-night meals.   Next week commences the voting and pinning,  so come back soon for the first recipe!

Note: I have received compensation, H-E-B promotional items and ConAgra products from H-E-B and ConAgra Foods for participating in this contest.

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  • Reply
    lillian smith (@enjoylillian)
    July 29, 2013 at 2:52 pm

    Nice job Kristin! I am working at a social media marketing firm now that acts as the mediator between brands/bloggers and it’s crazy to see what a huge market there is for it! Good for you for having a blog that’s good enough to get chosen!

    • Reply
      July 29, 2013 at 3:43 pm

      Hey Lill, it’s so good to hear from you! And thank you so much, that’s such great news to hear from someone who knows much more about brands and bloggers :) Which firm are you working for?

      Thanks so much for leaving me a note!!

  • Reply
    Rebecca Bumpas
    July 29, 2013 at 4:14 pm

    Go Kris!! I’ll be voting for you (obvi) and can’t wait to read about each of your recipes :)

    • Reply
      July 29, 2013 at 7:22 pm

      Thanks Reb! :) I can’t wait to show them to you, and cook them with you soon!

  • Reply
    Heather of Kitchen Concoctions
    July 29, 2013 at 7:45 pm

    Congrats! What a fun assignment! Can’t wait to see the final recipes!

  • Reply
    jennifer f
    July 29, 2013 at 10:20 pm

    HOw exciting!

  • Reply
    July 31, 2013 at 6:30 pm

    Oooh this is so exciting. And also pretty much the requirement of all my meals as a college student. So to say I’m looking forward to this is an understatement. Can’t wait!

    • Reply
      July 31, 2013 at 11:44 pm

      Claire, these will be perfect for college. I would have loved to make these during school. I’m excited that you are excited and can’t wait to share with you :) What do you typically like to cook? I know it’s hard in college!

      • Reply
        August 1, 2013 at 7:02 am

        If I have the time to do something involved, I’d rather be baking so that happens quite often :P But right now I’ve mastered a pretty easy stir fry and then tacos happen pretty frequently too. I can live off of left-over fajitas like it’s my job though haha (don’t you love how they FEED you at tex-mex places?) If you’ve never Matt’s El Rancho-ed I just polished off almost a weeks worth…still never got sick of it. But adding a little more variety made me really excited for this! :)

        • Reply
          August 1, 2013 at 4:34 pm

          Yum I love stir-fry and tacos! I used to make stir fry and fajitas in college. Also, a bowl of beans, broccoli, corn and rice was a pretty solid dinner, haha. I’ve never been to Matt’s El Rancho but I’m putting it on my ‘to-eat’ list now! Can’t wait to share next week’s recipe with you! :) It’s SO easy and so yummy.

  • Reply
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  • Reply
    {VOTE NOW!} Green Chile Salsa Chicken Tacos | The Fresh Find
    August 4, 2013 at 8:42 am

    […] Voting for the H-E-B Meal Maker challenge has officially begun!!!  If you don’t know what this challenge is about, click here. […]

  • Reply
    August 5, 2013 at 11:12 am

    Chef Hong keep the pics coming!

    • Reply
      August 10, 2013 at 12:49 am

      Thank you! Chef Michael… just waiting for your feature on my blog with those scallops!

  • Reply
    {VOTE NOW!} Burrata Hazelnut and Pesto Pizza | The Fresh Find
    August 11, 2013 at 8:59 am

    […] the second week of the H-E-B Challenge and this week’s feature ingredient is Hunt’s Diced Tomatoes.  With these tomatoes, I […]

  • Reply
    {VOTE NOW!} Mini Quiches with Egg Beaters | The Fresh Find
    August 25, 2013 at 10:28 am

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