JuiceLand Cleanse- Day 1

What is all the fuss about juicing?  I feel like people are juicing left and right and when they tell me, I look at them like they are crazy.  HOW CAN YOU NOT EAT FOOD??  To be honest, I am kind of a hater on juice cleansing.  I love food and I love eating wholesome foods.  I hate mostly because I am worried for people’s mental health.  I worry that people don’t have the right mentality and just want a quick fix and to lose weight quickly.

BUT, I did some research and talked with some folks at JuiceLand and learned that a cleanse can be very good for you, with the proper mentality.  The idea is that our bodies do not have to focus on digesting solid foods and can focus on releasing toxins that we take in everyday from food (preservatives, coloring, etc).  This can lead to more energy, glowing skin, and detoxification of body systems.  Cleansing is also a good time to analyze your cravings and emotional states when food is not in the picture.

JL cleanse

With that said, I am committing to a 3-day cleanse with JuiceLand and might have a change of heart.  Also, please know that this is a cleanse full of fruits and veggies and I will be consuming my daily intake of calories.  This is not cayenne pepper, lemon, crap kind-of cleanse.

Juiceland Hyde Park

So here I am, about to attempt this cleanse.  I love to eat, so this will be quite the mental and physical challenge.  Beware friends in Austin, I might be a little grumpy!  Here is how Day 1 went!

Note: I was not financially compensated for this post, but I did receive the cleanse for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own, based on my experience.

8am: I ride my bike and pick up my cleanse.  To start my day, I do a little bit of yoga.  I am thinking I need to cut back on my workouts during this cleanse.  I’ll be going to yoga, but have to cut back on boxing classes. (I have recently got into boxing at CG Arena and am hooked!)

9am: Even though I am not hungry I start to drink the Apple Lilly.  I get half way through and realize that now, I’m hungry, crap… already?  I am staring at this girl’s food next to me.  Maybe it’s not hunger though, it feels more just an empty feeling.  I get distracted with work and realize the ‘hunger’ went away.  Maybe I can survive this…

10am: Gotta go pee.  After I go to the bathroom, I am hungry, haha.  I drink the rest of the Apple Lilly.

11am-1pm:  During this time, I was pretty busy running around with work, so I kept putting off drinking another juice. But food was totally on my mind.  In my job, I am constantly going into grocery stores… making this cleanse a MILLION times harder.

1pm: Drive by a pizza place.  “Oh my gosh, give me a WHOLE pizza.  A whole burger, a whole freaking loaf of bread, omg”.  I’m not even that hungry, I just want to physically eat something.

1:30pm:  I decide to crack open the Fountain, which is full of carrots, ginger, beets, kale, spinach, parsley, celery and wheatgrass.  This tastes amazing, wow.  I drink the whole thing way too fast and feel a like I have a liquid baby.  I’m not hungry anymore but I JUST WANT TO EAT SOMETHING.  SOMETHING.

2:30pm:  I’m doing work in Whole Foods and oh my goodness, talk about torture.  Walking down the aisles, smelling and seeing all the food… ah, I can’t bare it.  I need to chew on something.  I grab a small bit of dried mango and chew on it forever.  I feel a little guilty for eating something, so I reassess and re-focus.  Juice only.

3:30pm:  I am walking around the UT campus and am pretty lethargic.  It is warm, and I’m dressed for cold weather.  But it’s not just the heat, I can tell my body is physically tired from walking around so much today.  I clearly don’t have as much energy as I usually do… I am definitely moving slow.

4:30pm:  I sit down to work and crack open the Green Protein Nut Milk which is divine.  It’s got macadamia nuts, almonds, hempseed, spirulina, sea salt and raw agave.  I drink about half and work a little more.

5:15pm I realize I need to take a nap, I’m a little fatigued and want to stop thinking about food.

6pm: I go to yoga and I cannot wait.  I can’t wait to focus on something other than food.  Class was amazing, sweaty and just lovely.  I thought about the cleanse but I was pretty distracted with my practice and it was great.

7:30pm:  I learned about other detox activities- such as facials, baths, salts, massages and decide to try to feed my desire for food with treating myself.  I take a long bath with a Eucalyptus bath salt bomb.  I am so content and I lay there, and I lay there…

8:30pm:  I drink the Ninja Bachelor Party and finish off the Nut Milk.  I’m definitely not hungry, and very liquid full, but I still badly desire to physically eat!  Wow, I am so emotionally tied to eating.  This cleanse really does help assess your body and your cravings.  And I’m a little loopyyyyyy.

I’m going to go watch some How I Met Your Mother to keep my mind busy and then go to bed.  And of course, I am very curious to see if I poop tomorrow.  I have a feeling I won’t… but who knows, I will keep you posted!

Am I glowing yet??? Just say yes… Onto Day 2!

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  • Reply
    October 16, 2013 at 9:38 am

    I am very interested in how you feel at the end of the three days. I am, also, thinking about doing a juice cleanse….

    • Reply
      October 16, 2013 at 9:59 am

      I will definitely keep you posted Devon! Thanks for reading!

  • Reply
    Kelsey Pomykala
    October 16, 2013 at 11:56 am

    Hahaha this is great! Good luck Kris! I had to do liquid only a day and a half for colo prep. It was so hard! But I was also taking laxatives so I felt even weaker! To be honest idk why anyone would do this by choice, but to each his own! Hang in there and plan a delicious meal when you are done! Love ya :)

    • Reply
      October 16, 2013 at 4:42 pm

      Thanks Kelsey! I can’t imagine doing this with laxatives, that sounds disastrous haha. It’s been tough, but a good experience. Man, I CANNOT wait to eat on Friday! Love you too!

  • Reply
    Katie @ Butterlust Blog
    October 16, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    I am most interested to hear if you poop too! hahahahahaha

    • Reply
      October 16, 2013 at 4:42 pm

      hahah, thanks for the support Katie :) You’ll find out tomorrow!

  • Reply
    JuiceLand Cleanse- Day 2 | The Fresh Find
    October 17, 2013 at 9:02 am

    […] you read in my last post, I am doing a Level 1 Cleanse with JuiceLand.  JuiceLand is one of my favorite places in Austin. […]

  • Reply
    October 17, 2013 at 12:56 pm

    I loooooove Juiceland and I’ve always wondered about their juice cleanses… I’m generally a cleanse hater too, I like chewing on actual food. I’m interested to see how you feel at the end! Good luck, and I’ll think of you while I’m crunching on my kale + brussels sprouts salad with chicken at lunch today! :P (Sorry, that was just mean)

  • Reply
    October 18, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    Love this Kris, so proud of you! If YOU can do a juice cleanse, anyone can! xox

  • Reply
    JuiceLand Cleanse- Aftermath | The Fresh Find
    October 31, 2013 at 9:11 am

    […] over week ago.  What a challenge that was… my goodness.  If you missed it, start from Day 1.  I survived the three days and here’s how my first day of eating […]

  • Reply
    JuiceLand Cleanse- Day 3 - The Fresh Find
    March 23, 2016 at 12:37 am

    […] you read in my last posts, I have made it through Day 1 and Day 2 of this juice cleanse with JuiceLand.  I am on my FINAL day.  Oh my gosh, I can’t […]

  • Reply
    Mary Mauwer
    March 22, 2017 at 8:48 am

    Congrats on your juice cleanse. I love green juices and I love the ones made by Juiceland. I will try them again next time I go to Texas.

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