Strawberry Basil Frozen Yogurt

Strawberry Basil Frozen Yogurt | www.thefreshfind.comAs some of you may know through Instagram, I decided to try some Strawberry Basil Frozen Yogurt that I saw on the blog, The Iron You.

P.S.  It is getting HOT in Texas.  It’s supposed to be 106 degrees today and tomorrow… how lovely.  I have to make more cold things like this yogurt so I don’t perish.

I only had to use 5 ingredients to make this totally satisfying yogurt.  Keep in mind that this is not going to be creamy like ice cream, but more like well, yogurt that is frozen (hence, frozen yogurt).

This was perfect, because the monthly recipe challenge for the Austin Food Blogger’s Alliance was berries!

Strawberry Basil Frozen Yogurt ingredients | www.thefreshfind.com

I actually don’t have an ice cream maker like The Iron You does, so I had to adjust.  If you have one (like lucky Lauren), check out their recipe here.

I got too excited to make this and took off to get the ingredients.  Somehow missed the ‘ice cream maker’ part in the directions… fail.  I was still determined to make it and browsed a few recipes that didn’t require an ice cream maker.  I learned that freezing it 1-2 hours was ideal.  (I liked mine at 1 hr 30 min… it was a little icy at 2 hours)

It would probably be better with an ice cream maker but I still really enjoyed it!  Give it a shot.

Go make the yogurt and pop it in the freezer, and by the time dinner is cooked and eaten, your dessert will be fresh and ready!

Strawberry Basil Frozen Yogurt | www.thefreshfind.com

Whole Foods had this lemon basil, which had an incredible citrus-y basil aroma.  Instead of using lemon juice and basil, I just used the lemon basil and it turned out great.  I wrote the recipe below with normal basil, but if you can find the lemon basil, pick it up.  It’s fun to use!

Here’s how I made it!

Strawberry Basil Frozen Yogurt

by Kristin Hong

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 1-2 hours (freeze time)


Ingredients (5 servings)

  • Handful fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped
  • ¼ cup agave nectar
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup 0% Greek yogurt
  • 1 lb fresh organic strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice


In a small saucepan combine agave nectar, water and basil. Bring to a gentle simmer on medium to low heat, stirring occasionally. Let simmer for about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool completely.

Pour basil syrup through a fine sieve into a small bowl. Set aside. (Optional- I left the basil in)

Place strawberries, basil syrup, yogurt and lemon juice in the bowl of blender and process until smooth.

Place in individual containers and freeze for 1-2 hours, checking after 1 hour.

Eat at time of desired consistency (I like 1 h 30m)

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