The Perfect Sunny-Side Up Eggs

Happy Friday and Happy Halloween!  I realize I should have a Halloween-related post, but I’m not a big Halloween person.  It’s a very exhausting (and costly) holiday for the uncreative folk.  However, I will celebrate by drinking some pumpkin beer and eating candy with friends… but that’s about it.  I know, I’m lame.  My roommate told me I should dress up as a Grinch for Halloween– that was a brilliant idea.  Maybe next year…

But for today, I’m just going to talk about pretty eggs.  And the sweet potatoes are orange… so that counts, right?

I got really into making sunny side up eggs and have been eating this Sweet Potato Hash almost every weekend for the past 3 months.

Sunny Side up Eggs | www.thefreshfind.com

I’m one of those weird people that loves the whites of eggs (like, absolutely LOVES) and doesn’t like the yolk.  As a kid, I ate hard boiled egg whites all the time.  I honestly thought that the yolk was the healthy part and the white was the good part!  You know… when you’re young, anything that you actually love to eat is bad for you, right?!  Luckily, that was not the case.

Still to this day, I’m not a big yolk fan, even the beautiful runny yolks (I can feel the judgment from your computer).  But hey, I still like to make pretty eggs.

Do you want to know how to make the PERFECT sunny side up eggs?  I mean, the perfect ones.  My first one was a disaster, but PW helped me out a ton.  I had to share this post: ‘Perfect Sunny-Side Up Eggs‘ from The Pioneer Woman.

The technique involves using a spoon to get oil on the top part of the egg.  This makes the tops perfectly white and fully cooked, while keeping the yolk runny.

Sunny Side up Eggs | www.thefreshfind.com

Follow her instructions and you’ll get some beautiful looking eggs.

There is a little more oil than I prefer, so definitely follow step #5.  When the egg is done, I lay a paper towel on a separate plate and slide the egg onto the paper towel.  Then I take the paper towel over my sweet potatoes and slowly roll the paper towel away and set the egg on the potatoes.

This Sweet Potato Hash has still not gotten old.  I roast the sweet potatoes for about 30 minutes, place the eggs on top, add some greens and top it with avocado and cilantro.  It’s amazing.

Mom told me to not play with my food, but just look how cute he is!!

Sunny Side up Eggs | www.thefreshfind.com

Now go visit The Pioneer Woman and make these delicious, beautiful eggs yourself!

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    February 16, 2015 at 1:00 pm

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